In addition to lectures on music history, the area of study offers an introduction to musicological work and seminars in the area of compulsory elective musicology on various selected topics from historical musicology, systematic musicology, ethnomusicology or an interdisciplinary combination of subjects.
Special areas in research and teaching of musicology at the Nuremberg University of Music include Interdisciplinary Music Research, Human-Animal Studies, Artificial Creativity and Musical Interaction and Digitality.
Since the winter semester of 2023/24, an English-language Master's degree programme in interdisciplinary music research with a focus on Human-Animal Studies and Artificial Intelligence has been offered.
Doctoral studies are also possible.
All members of this study area
Dr. Susanne Heiter Musikwissenschaft mit Schwerpunkt Human-Animal-Studies
Alexander Lunt Softwareentwicklung: Musik und künstliche Intelligenz

Prof. Dr. Susanne Rode-Breymann Musikspezifische Genderforschung und Artistic Research im Rahmen des Spitzenprofessurenprogramms (SPP) / Hightech Agenda Bayern

Dr. Pascal Rudolph Musikwissenschaft mit Schwerpunkt Digitalität
Room no E.32

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Trump künstliche Kreativität und musikalische Interaktion

Prof. Dr. Martin Ullrich

Bastian Vobig Musikwissenschaft mit Schwerpunkt Digitalität