NUM has been certified as a family-friendly university since May 2023. In the course of the audit, a number of objectives and measures were defined to strengthen NUM's self-image as a family and life-phase-conscious place to work and study. The audit process and systematic focus on the issue of reconciling family and work/study is intended to institutionalise what already exists, while also stimulating learning processes and raising awareness of new ideas.
The University has a fully equipped parent-child room (E.18) with full accessibility.
Childcare is not provided by the University, but you can bring your own caregiver to the parent-child room.
The room can be reserved through the University gate. The Women's Representative and the Equal Opportunities Officer can provide information on other childcare options.
A mobile version is also available for all university members with children: The Kidsbox! This mobile element contains many useful items and can be reserved and issued with a key at the gate. The box is parked in the parent-child room and can be moved and used flexibly around the University using the lift. It is equipped for babies and children up to primary school age and can be opened to provide a protected area for breastfeeding and nappy changing.
The KidsBox contains
- a foldable mattress and camping mat for crawling and playing on the floor
- a clip-on seat for docking onto your own desk
- stool and table for slightly older children
- various toys and colouring materials
- a changing mat
- disinfectant and first aid kit
- hygiene articles
- books and other useful and sensible items for younger children
The Nuremberg University of Music offers currently enrolled students with children financial support in the event of childcare bottlenecks relevant to their studies - i.e. if childcare is required outside of the normal course of study to enable attendance at study-related events.
This includes (subject to approval on a case-by-case basis)
- Examination dates
- Internships / teaching practice
- Non-regular events and involvement in NUM's higher education policy
- Attendance at postponed courses
- Short-term cancellation of regular supervision
The NUM is a member of the Dual Career Network Northern Bavaria. (Future) employees and lecturers can take advantage of the advice and information services offered there.
Further information (in German) can be found at: www.dualcareer-nordbayern.de
A regular meeting on the subject of care work is held at regular intervals. All members of the university are welcome to attend. Dates are announced in the University Newsletter.
The amended Maternity Protection Act came into force on 1 January 2018. You can find more information (in German) here.
Reconciling family and study or career Friendly to families
The compatibility of family and studiy or career is an important goal of the Nuremberg University of Music. The University has a broad definition of the term "family". For us, a family is any group of people who take responsibility for each other in a variety of life situations.