Doctorate at Nuremberg University of Music
The Nuremberg University of Music awards the academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Dr. phil.) for in-depth, independent academic work in the fields of music education and musicology in cooperation with a university.
Applicants wishing to undertake doctoral studies at the University of Music must apply in writing to the Chair of the Doctoral Committee for admission to doctoral studies.
We welcome applications on topics from all areas of music education and musicology, especially interdisciplinary issues and interfaces with artistic research. Binational doctoral programmes are also possible upon request. We guarantee individual and regular supervision of our doctoral students in an innovative and interdisciplinary networked environment.
Contact persons
Prof. Dr. Martin Ullrich

Prof. Dr. Renate Reitinger Vizepräsidentin für Studium, Lehre und Forschung / Musikpädagogik (Hauptfach)
Phone +49 911 / 215 22 - 103
Mobile +49 174 / 23 24 - 349