Team teaching by the violin professors
A cornucopia of musical truths, technical violin tricks, practical performance tips and anecdotes pours over the students, sometimes from five mouths at once. Second opinions abound, pieces from the score are played or sung, and the didactic passion spreads good humour among players and listeners. Once a semester, the professors share the podium with the students in a public university master class, which has become a unique tradition at the Nuremberg University of Music.
For many musicians, auditioning for an orchestral position is the most important step on the road to a professional career. At the Nuremberg University of Music, students can simulate this situation under real conditions, but with a twinkle in their eye.
Once a year, the best students come together for an audition and compete for the favour of the public, who can experience this event in public and thus gain a deep insight into the world of music. The audience takes the place of an orchestra collective and can vote for the winner of the evening's sympathy prize. At the same time, the concertmasters for the upcoming concerts of the University Orchestra are elected. The audience at the concerts then remembers and smiles: "That was number three, number four! I chose that one! And you?"
All members of this study area
Katrin Arzberger Korrepetition
Phone +49 966 / 140 57

Alexander Bayer Fachdidaktik Jazz-Bass, Berufskunde, Kontrabass (Hauptfach)

Ulla Bundies Ensemble, Kammermusik, Barockvioline (Hauptfach)

Lin Lin Fan Korrepetition
Mobile +49 176 / 210 09 - 892

Dr. Razvan Costin Filipoiu Korrepetition
Phone +49 911 / 248 71 30
Mobile +49 176 / 227 12 107

Prof. Daniel Gaede Violine (Hauptfach)

Prof. Anne Marie Harer Barockvioline (Hauptfach)

Patrik Hévr Korrepetition

Beate Keilhack Fachdidaktik Violine/Viola, Violine (Hauptfach)

Prof. Dr. Reto Kuppel Violine (Hauptfach)
Mobile +49 173 / 969 25 - 50

Prof. Dunja Robotti Korrepetition instrumental (Hauptfach)

Prof. Valerie Rubin Violine (Hauptfach)

Prof. Bernhard Schmidt Kammermusik

Prof. Michail-Pavlos Semsis Professor für Kontrabass

Prof. Jakob Spahn Violoncello

Prof. Wilfrid Strehle Viola (Hauptfach)

Mariko Takazoe-Scheuerpflug Korrepetition

Prof. Markus Wagner Violoncello (Hauptfach)
Mobile +49 177 / 321 24 - 31

Prof. Andreas Willwohl Viola (Hauptfach)

Hildegard Wind Violine (Hauptfach)
Mobile +49 951 / 562 54

Heike Wundling Fachdidaktik Violoncello