Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionising many other areas of life, including creativity and artistic expression. The Nuremberg University of Music is researching these interactions in its Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.
Professorship for Music Education and Artificial Intelligence
This research area focuses on music education and artificial intelligence, the didactics of music in the context of artificial intelligence and digital media, and the support of inclusion and music therapy through intelligent music interfaces.
Professorship for Artificial Creativity and Musical Interaction
The research of the Chair for Artificial Creativity and Musical Interaction is concerned with questions of joint music-making between human musicians and artificial intelligences and the associated cultural-theoretical implications. In the artistic-practical investigation of musical human-machine interaction, the focus is on hybrid acoustic musical instruments that support human-machine co-creativity as intelligent robotic music interfaces.
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Trump künstliche Kreativität und musikalische Interaktion

Alexander Lunt Softwareentwicklung: Musik und künstliche Intelligenz

Jens Petzold Laboringenieur KI-Labor

Julie Pusch Projektassistenz LEONARDO