Increasing digitalisation requires core digital skills, not least for access to the labour market.
It is therefore becoming increasingly important for students of all disciplines to develop their own skills and knowledge in the areas of digitalisation, networking and interdisciplinary collaboration.
In order to provide our students with the best possible support, we - the Nuremberg University of Music and the Nuremberg Institute of Technology - are integrating targeted support in the use of digital technologies into teaching at all universities with the digitalisation college "Disruption in Creativity" (DisC).
What is DisC?
DisC - short for "Disruption in Creativity" - stands for the disruptive upheavals that can be caused by leaps in innovation and new technologies in the cultural and creative industries, as well as in the creative process itself.
Interdisciplinarity is at the heart of the Digitalisation College. In cross-university projects and theses, students from the faculties of music, computer science and design combine innovative thinking and collaborative brainstorming with digital technologies to develop co-creative solutions to key issues of digital transformation.
They are supported and guided by DisC coaches and lecturers from the partner universities.
The necessary inspiration is provided by regular specialist and impulse lectures in which lecturers from the participating universities and external regional, national and international guest speakers provide insights into the methods of interdisciplinary project organisation and specific projects from the fields of computer science, music or design or their research work.
The Digitalisation College "Disruption in Creativity" is funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Sciences and the Arts and coordinated by the Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt).
In addition to the premises of the Nuremberg University of Technology and the Nuremberg University of Music, the student teams also have access to the laboratories and workspaces of the LEONARDO - Centre for Creativity and Innovation, which are equipped to the highest professional standards, during the project phase.
Further information is availableon the DisC website .
Contact persons / Coaches
Jan Pfitzer Künstlerisch-wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Simon Scharf Musikproduktion, Berufskunde