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News Scholarship ceremony

Thomas Lang (re.) mit den Stipendiat*innen der Sparda-Stiftung und dem Hochschulpräsidenten Prof. Rainer Kotzian (li.) Photo: Alex Belik, Source: Hochschule für Musik Nürnberg

This year's award winners and scholarship holders were honoured in a festive atmosphere on 14 February in the presence of the donors. In addition to words of welcome from the President of the University, Prof. Rainer Kotzian, and the Chairman of the Board of the Spardastiftung, Thomas Lang, the scholarship ceremony was accompanied by a varied musical programme. The scholarship holders presented themselves musically with many impressive works ranging from classical to jazz, including their own compositions.

33 x Deutschlandstipendium (German public-private scholarship)

For the academic year 2023/24, a total of 31 Deutschlandstipendien have been awarded at the Nuremberg University of Music. We are delighted to have the opportunity to support so many students. For every donation of € 1,800 made by an individual, foundation or company, the German public-private scholarship programme programme will match it, so a student will receive €300 per month for one academic year as a scholarship.

Thanks to our generous donors

We would like to thank our donors who make the scholarships and prizes possible and congratulate the students on their support:

Bouhon-Stiftung: Mahtab Ebrahimghasri, Magdalena Lipska, Ana Oboroc, Lea von Delft

Irmgard und Klaus Doetsch Stiftung: Tabea Ehrensberger, Laura Ion

Gesellschaft der Förderer der HfM Nürnberg e. V.: Daniel Pruzansky

Hans Thomann-Stiftung: Josefin Müller, Kristina Planavska

Hiltner-Wolf-Stiftung: Simona Marie Hellwig, Nicole Korritke, Johannes Pflaum, Anastasija Sanina, Dmytro Sybir

Hofmann Hagemann Hildesheimer Stiftung: Ekaterina Zeynetdinova, Konstantin Demydas

Dres. Sylvia & Rudolf Probst: Laura Detterbeck, Philipp Mohr, Anna Wojtas

Rotary Club Nürnberg: Julia Ogas (in Verbindung mit Rotary-Viola)

Sparda Stiftung Nürnberg: Joanna Isaeva, Iarina Stefania Margarit, Ekaterina Nuez, Enrico Rizzo, Christopher Sandberg, Dmytro Volonits, Magdalena Waldauf, Jiaming Yao

Stiftung zur Förderung des Streichernachwuchses: Simon Aringer, Valerie Ettenauer, Viktoria Wagner, Anna Rösch