The course was led by Prof Ulrike Wohlwender (HMDK Stuttgart), Silvia Molan (MS Esslingen and HfKM Regensburg) and Prof Ulrich Hench (NUM Nuremberg). The focus of the training day for pianists, piano teachers and students was on pianistically relevant basic knowledge of music physiology.
In the morning, Prof Wohlwender used case studies to talk about the causes of overuse syndromes and their regeneration. Silvia Molan then presented the Stuttgart future initiative Sirius 6.0. Prof Ulrich Hench from NUM also confirmed Stuttgart's experience that the lightness of Sirius 6.0 keyboards can also be transferred to standard keyboards to a certain extent. He also gave an insight into the development on site.
In the afternoon, the participants were able to work in small groups on difficult parts, try out the Sirius 6.0 keyboard on our Steinway grand piano and learn about Christoph Wagner's span check. During the lunch break and at the end of the course, the 20 participants were able to play individually on our Steinway with Sirius 6.0 keyboard.
The final feedback on this exceptional day of piano playing reflected valuable insights and experiences, as well as great interest in further encounters with Sirius 6.0 keyboards.