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Prof. Maren Wilhelm Vice President for Transfer and Internationalisation / Music Theory

Department Music Theory / Musicology and Key qualifications

Studienbereich Contemporary Music: composition
Music theory

Funktion Studienbereichsverantwortliche Musiktheorie

Gremienmitgliedschaft Ausschuss Digitalisierung
Ausschuss Internationalisierung
Ausschuss Lehrentwicklung
Ausschuss Transfer
Departmentrat Musiktheorie / Musikwissenschaften und Schlüsselqualifikationen
Erweiterte Hochschulleitung

Kategorie Professur

Room no 1.35

Maren Wilhelm, née Exner, studied music theory, composition with postgraduate studies in concert exams and school music at Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media, as well as German language and literature studies at Leibniz University Hanover. She was appointed professor at the Nuremberg University of Music in the winter semester 2018/19.

In addition to her university teaching Maren Wilhelm works as a freelance artist. She has written commissioned works for the Nomos Quartet and the Niedersächsische Musiktage 2016 among others.

Her works include vocal and instrumental pieces for various scorings, ranging from choral movements (based on texts by Marcel Proust, for example) to orchestral and chamber music, as well as a piece for barrel organ. She has also made a number of arrangements, including for Nils Mönkemeyer, Florence Sitruk and the Orchestra im Treppenhaus under the direction of Thomas Posth. For the 2010/11 season, she has arranged Kurt Weill's Der Silbersee for chamber orchestra for the Schauspielhaus Hannover. For the 2010/11 season, she prepared the orchestral material for Gluck's "Iphigenie in Aulis" (in Richard Wagner's version) for the Leipzig Opera, directed by Peter Konwitschny.

From 2013 to 2017, Maren Wilhelm was one of the organisers and speakers at the Central German Conference for Music Theory and Aural Education, which took place in Leipzig for the first time under her direction in 2017. She is also committed to promoting young talent. Together with Anne Hameister from the Hamburg University of Music and Theatre, she launched the Autumn School of the Gesellschaft für Musiktheorie (GMTH) in 2023 as an offer for music theory students and the Campus Day for young students at the Nuremberg University of Music.