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Prof. Rainer Kotzian President / Elemental Music Pedagogy (main subject)

Department Elemental Music Pedagogy / Music Pedagogy

Studienbereich Elemental Music Pedagogy (EMP)
Specialised didactics

Funktion Antisemitismusbeauftragter
Vorsitz Prüfungsausschuss
Vorsitz Senat

Gremienmitgliedschaft Ausschuss Digitalisierung
Ausschuss Künstlerische Forschung
Ausschuss Lehrentwicklung
Ausschuss Musik und Gesundheit
Erweiterte Hochschulleitung
Kommission für Gleichstellung, Chancengleichheit und Inklusion (K2)

Kategorie Lehrauftrag

Room no 1.42

Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Rainer Kotzian has been President of the University of Music from1 October 2021. He is Chairman of the Bavarian University of the Arts Association and a member of the Board of the Rectors' Conference of German Universities of Music (Rectorsenkonferenz der deutschen Musikhochschulen, RKM).

He previously held the position of Vice President from 2017 to 2021. In 2010, he was appointed Professor of Elemental Music Pedagogy at the Nuremberg University of Music and also held the position of Dean of Studies from 2011 to 2017. He is the author, editor and producer of numerous print and audio publications on music education. He is an honorary member of several foundations for the promotion of young artists. He released his solo album "Can You Hear Me?!" in October 2022.

Rainer Kotzian studied music and dance education at the Mozarteum University in Salzburg. Further studies in Jazz Guitar and songwriting complete his profile. From 1998 to 2008 he worked as a teacher at the Teisendorf Music School, and in 2001 he began teaching at the Orff Institute of the Mozarteum University in Salzburg, which he did alongside his freelance work as a jazz and rock/pop musician (guitar, trumpet) until 2010. In the same year he was appointed to another teaching post at the Anton Bruckner Private University in Linz. Kotzian teaches nationally and internationally as a recognised representative and specialist of the Orff Schulwerk.

  • 2010



    Rai - Singer/Songwriter. Can You Hear Me?! RecordJet. Berlin 2022




    Music for the dance piece "Stomping La Luna" by Irina Pauls




    Elemental music performances




    Brass Band "Blassticks", concerts in Germany, Austria, Italy - CD: "Blassticks Brass Band - Auf und ara Goaß noch", released 2011 by MaKo Records




    Performances with the bands "U2Coverband", "In-Between", "TWOgether", "The Funky Strangers", "Doro Hanke Duo" and "Doro Hanke Band" (guitar and trumpet) in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Guitar




    Children's theatre "Theater aus dem Koffer" as actor, musician and composer - guest performances in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Czech Republic, Poland




    Vocal ensemble "voCiS" - concerts and workshops in Germany, Austria, Italy




    Big Blacky Blach Bigband

  • 03/10



    Lecturer at the Anton Bruckner Private University Linz




    Lecturer at the University Mozarteum Salzburg, Orff Institute




    Contract assistant at the University Mozarteum Salzburg, Orff Institute

  • 06/01

    Appreciation Award of the Federal Minister for Education, Science and Culture Austria

  • 09/24



    Member of the board of trustees of the Internat. Künstlerhaus Villa Concordia (Bamberg)




    Member of the Board of Trustees of evalag, Deputy Chairman since 11/23




    Chairman of the Association of Bavarian Art Colleges




    Member of the Board of the Rectors' Conference of German Universities of Music (Rektorenkonferenz der deutschen Musikhochschulen, RKM)




    Member of the Board of Trustees of the Theodor Rogler Foundation




    Chairman of the Foundation for the Promotion of Young String Players




    Managing Director of the Hofmann Hagemann Hildesheimer Foundation




    Member of the Board of the Carl Orff Foundation / Dießen am Ammersee




    Member of the Board of the Patho Foundation / Nuremberg




    Member of the Board of Trustees of the Carl Orff Foundation / Dießen am Ammersee




    Member of the EMP Germany working group (AEMP), 09/10 to 09/18 2nd spokesperson




    Managing Director of the Austrian organisation "Förderer des Orff-Schulwerks"

  • Books

    • Kotzian, R. (ed.) / Meyerholz, U.: Dancing, Making Music, Improvising, Designing. Schott publishing house, Mainz 2024.
    • Kotzian, R. (ed.) / Crabtree, E.: Rediscovering keys in the Orff-Schulwerk. Schott Publishers, Mainz 2022.
    • Nykrin, R. / Kotzian, R.: I know my way around music. Schott publishing house, Mainz 2021.
    • Kotzian, R. (ed.) / Forster, M. / Hamann, D.: Orff-Instrumente neu entdecken. Schott publishing house, Mainz 2018.
    • Nykrin, R. / Kotzian, R.: Music knowledge - easily explained. Schott publishing house, Mainz 2018.
    • Nykrin, R. / Kotzian, R.: I know my way around music. Schott publishing house, Mainz 2017.
    • Kotzian, R.: Rediscovering the Orff Schulwerk. Schott publishing house, Mainz 2016.
    • Kotzian, R. and others: Playing plans 1-3 Ernst Klett Verlag, Stuttgart 2013-2016.
    • Kotzian, R.: Inventing music with children. Schott publishing house, Mainz 2015.
    • Kotzian, R. / Nykrin, R. (ed.): Musik voraus - Musik und Tanz für Kinder, Unterrichtswerk für Kinder von 6-8 Jahren. Teacher's book, with CD / Discovery book, with CD. Schott Publishers. Mainz 2013.
    • Nykrin, R. et al. (ed.): Spielpläne Oberstufe. Ernst Klett Publishers. Stuttgart 2011.
    • Nykrin, R. et al. (ed.): Music and dance for children, 1st year of lessons. Teacher's book, children's booklets, 2 CDs, information for parents. Schott Publishers. Mainz 2007.


    • Kotzian, Rainer: Digitale Medien / Orff (Institut, Instrumentarium, Schulwerk) / Populäre Musik, in: Dartsch, M. / Meyer, C. / Stiller, B.: EMP kompakt. Helbling Publishers. Innsbruck, Esslingen, Bern-Belp 2020.
    • Kotzian, Rainer: The Orff Schulwerk - just a passing fad? Reflections on the occasion of Carl Orff's 125th birthday, in: Musik, Spiel und Tanz 1/20. Schott Verlag. Mainz 2020.
    • Kotzian, Rainer: Lügenmärchen - Rediscovering the Orff Schulwerk with pre-school children, in: üben & musizieren 1/20. Schott Verlag. Mainz 2020.
    • Kotzian, Rainer: How much pop music is in the Orff Schulwerk?, in: Musik, Spiel und Tanz 2/15. Schott Verlag. Mainz 2015.
    • Kotzian, Rainer: The drumset at school, in: Neumann, F. et al: Music in Primary School 2/14, Schott Verlag. Mainz 2014.
    • Kotzian, Rainer: Was du kannst, mache ich anders!, in: Haselbach, Barbara (ed.), Orff-Schulwerk Information No. 86 (Download). Salzburg 2012.
    • Kotzian, Rainer: But I can't dance ... - How to motivate non-dancers to dance, in: Haselbach, Barbara (ed.), Orff-Schulwerk Information No. 82 (Download). Salzburg 2010.
    • Kotzian, Rainer: Rap - Poesie mit rhythmischem Sprechgesang, in: Haselbach, Barbara (ed.), Orff-Schulwerk Information No. 78 (Download). Salzburg 2008.

    Sound carrier

    • Rai (alias Rainer Kotzian): Can You Hear Me?! RecordJet. Berlin 2022.
    • Forster, M. / Hamann, D.: Rediscover Orff instruments. Lied and playing pieces. Schott Music. Mainz 2018. Volume 2 of the series "Orff unterrichten", edited by Rainer Kotzian. Arrangements, musicianship, recording, editing and mixing.
    • Nykrin, R. / Kotzian, R.: Music knowledge - easily explained. Schott Music. Mainz 2018. arrangements, musicianship, recording, editing and mixing.
    • Nykrin, R. / Kotzian, R.: Mit Musik kenn ich mich aus. Music theory for children, incl. CD. Schott publishing house. Mainz 2017. arrangements, musicianship, recording, editing, mixing and mastering.
    • Kotzian, R.: Rediscovering the Orff-Schulwerk. Pieces and teaching models, incl. DVD and app. Schott publishing house. Mainz 2016. arrangements, musicianship, recording, editing, mixing and mastering.
    • Funk, J.: Building instruments with children, incl. audio CD. Schott publishing house. Mainz 2016. arrangements, musicianship, recording, editing, mixing and mastering.
    • Forster, M.: Music and dance 66 plus. Schott Verlag, Mainz 2014. arrangements, musicianship, recording, editing, mixing and mastering.
    • Kotzian, R. / Nykrin, R. (ed.): Musik voraus - Musik und Tanz für Kinder, Unterrichtswerk für Kinder von 6-8 Jahren. 2 CDs. Schott Publishers. Mainz 2013. overall concept, arrangements and compositions, musicianship, recording, editing, mixing, mastering.
    • Blassticks Brass Band: Auf und ara Goaß noch. MaKo Records 2011. musician activity.
    • Nykrin, Rudolf: Musical Instrument Memo. Schott Publishing House. Mainz 2009. musicianship, recording, editing, mixing and mastering.
    • Urabl, J. and Kotzian, R.: Cosmetic Blue. Lotus Records 2006. musicianship, recording, editing, mixing and mastering.

    detailed list on