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News Success Live Music Now Franken grants Alma Milbradt and Julian Zwickler

The duo Alma Milbradt (baroque violin/baroque viola) and Julian Zwickler (theorbo) has won a scholarship from Live Musik Now Franken. Congratulations!

The two began their Masters studies in historical instruments (classes of Prof. Anne Marie Harer and Björn Colell) in October and have quickly captured the hearts of audiences as a duo specialising in early Baroque music.

Live Music Now Franken e.V. supports young, particularly talented students at the Nuremberg Universities of Music in Nuremberg and Würzburg financially, musically and personally.

At the concerts in various social institutions, the members of the LMN sponsorship programme are in direct contact with the audience and feel the immediate effect of their music and the presentation. Through this special concert experience, the personalities of the sponsored students mature and their musical expression develops further.